General terms and conditions

Listed below in items I to XIII are the General Terms and Conditions of the Kašica Business & Investments, s.r.o. – the company which runs the Montfort**** hotel in Tatranska Javorina, further more only „Hotel“.
These conditions are a contractual part of the Client´s demand/ order. By agreeing with the terms & conditions you enter a contract as a current „Client“. The terms of agreement also apply to future business, though the contract is open to re-negotiation for future business cooperation. Clients with different business terms and varying business agreements are not necessarily subject to the standard agreement terms.
Secondary agreements, alterations and cancellations must be made in writing form and must be officially confirmed by the Hotel. These conditions are freely accessible to the public on the website of the Hotel They are also available in written form at the reception.


Reserved rooms for our clients are available from 2pm, after confirming the pre-booked date of arrival. If the Client does not check in by 10pm at the day of arrival, the Hotel reserves the right to cancel the reservation and offer the room to other potential guests and interested parties.
If written contact is made with the Hotel via email to confirm or inform about late check in, this policy does not apply. Departure/ Check out is standardly till 11am, unless agreed otherwise in advance with the Hotel Manager or reception. In case of late check-out the Hotel has the right to charge 15.00€ from each starting hour. Free cancellation of individual accommodation orders can be carried out within 3 days before the agreed day of arrival. In case of non-observance the Hotel will charge 100% of the first night and ordered services.


Unless there are no other written agreements with the Hotel, the following conditions apply.

Deposit and Payment:
50% deposit of the pre – agreed price calculation after date order and reservation is set up by the Client. Reservation can be made by e-mail or upon signed contract. The remaining payment can be done at/after departure.

Conditions apply in case the reservation is canceled or the number of reduced rooms exceedes 10%.

Should the event of a group last for several days, the Hotel has the right to charge 100% of the first day services which were cancelled. For every following day 50% of the cancelled services will be charged. Cancellation done more than 90 days before arrival 20% of the total price will be charged, but at least 1,000 € or the amount of deposit.

Cancellation conditions:

1. Cancellation WITHOUT a cancellation fee:

  • if it is canceled in the period more than three days before arrival.

2. Cancellation WITH a cancellation fee:

  • if it is canceled in the period 1-3 days (including these days) before arrival. The amount of cancellation fee is 100% of the price for 1 day / 1 night / the agreed services out of the total order..

Cancellation of reservation, orders or parts thereof is done by written notice to the Provider. Cancellation applies also in case if the Client has not notified the cancellation of registration, order or part thereof and the ordered service was not used. Notice of cancellation must be sent to email address:

If the advance payment given in the booking confirmation is not paid within the period of maturity of the Proforma Invoice or the Client does not start to use booked services in the 1st day of the ordered stay until 00.00 o´clock or at other agreed time, it is understood that the contractual parties resign from the booked stay and ordered services. The above mentioned cancellation fee is not affected by a withdrawal from agreement about booked stay or services.

Conditions apply to the cancellation or in reducing the number of rooms exceeding 10%.

The event which lasts for several days (more than 1 day) the Hotel charges the Client the following cancellation fee: 100% for the first day of the event and cancelled services, 50% for each following day of the event.

Cancellation done more than 90 days before arrival 20% of the total price will be charged, but at least 1,000€ or the amount of deposit.


The Client is aware that at those events during which food will be served, the Hotel needs to know in advance exact number of guests and name of meals to be served. This information can´t be delivered later than 10 working days before the event itself. This information and catering requirements are understood as a guaranteed minimum which will be charged to the Client by the Hotel. If the guaranteed number of participants is reduced, the hotel reserves the right to charge the Client pre-ordered number of participants.


Unless otherwise agreed, the Client will be charged the entire consumption of all beverages. Claims after billing are not possible.


All the food that is served in buffet style and which will not be consumed during the time slot, such as coffee breaks, lunch or dinner, according to the sanitary rules and norms of the EU within 3 hours from the beginning, will be carried away by the Hotel staff. Due to strict sanitary procedures and standards of EU, the Hotel does not allow take away and consume brought meals or take out from the Hotel meals, that were intended to eat solely at the Hotel. Should not been agreed otherwise, it is strictly forbidden to bring all kinds of beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) to the hotel. In case of violation of this prohibition, the Hotel reserves the right to charge for these drinks a flat fee of 100€.


Offered prices include all the taxes, levies and services, except specific cases it is agreed otherwise.

  • Should new state levies be introduced, these will be included into the price offer.
    - The invoice is payable within 14 days from date of issue.

  • In case of payment delay the Hotel will charge interest of 0.05% of the outstanding amount for each day of delay, starting from the day following the due date of the debt.

  • Any Hotel denied uncertainties have not got suspensive character for the realization of payment or the possible passage of interest on late payments.

  • Credit card payment can be carried out both before and after disbursement of the Hotel services. All the data necessary for the payment to be done are supplied by the Client. The Hotel reserves the right to charge from the Client´s credit card additional costs or any differences that are found after his departure (eg. minibar consumption, etc.).


7.1 Cancellation WITHOUT a cancellation fee:

  • if it is canceled in the period more than three days before arrival.

7.2. Cancellation WITH a cancellation fee:

  • if it is cancelled in the period 1-3 days (including these days) before arrival. The amount of cancellation fee is 100% of the price for 1 day / 1 night / the agreed services out of the total order.
  • Cancellation of reservation, orders or parts thereof is done by written notice to the Provider. Cancellation applies also in case if the Client has not notified the cancellation of registration, order or part thereof and the ordered service was not used. Notice of cancellation must be sent to email address:
  • If the advance payment given in the booking confirmation is not paid within the period of maturity of the Proforma Invoice or the Client does not start to use booked services in the 1st day of the ordered stay until 00.00 o´clock or at other agreed time, it is understood that the contractual parties resign from the booked stay and ordered services. The above mentioned cancellation fee is not affected by a withdrawal from agreement about booked stay or services.


Valuable items such as cash, jewelry, brought musical instruments and technical devices, utilities, etc., can be safely kept in the Hotel safe. The Hotel is not responsible for loss or damage to personal belongings.


The Client is responsible for any damage caused by the Client’s employees, his guests or other person authorized by him. Such damage must be fully reimbursed. The Hotel is responsible only for those damages which are clearly and demonstrably caused by the Hotel. The Hotel is not responsible for damage caused by a third party. The Hotel is entitled to require from the Client to have an appropriate insurance.


Music production or other artistic performances organized by the Client himself and which are of a subject to mandatory reporting, must be in advance and in time reported to the competent offices. This activity is fully under Client´s responsibility. All associated costs are paid by the Client.

Promotional material – placement of advertising materials and decorations must be proved by the Hotel.

Promotional material – The Client needs Hotel´s authorization for the placement of advertising material and decorations.

Premises where the event will take place must not be damaged by advertising materials (which are to be placed in the Hotel´s interior) or any type of decoration.
Instalation work must be carried out by specialists and shall comply with all legal safety regulations.

All costs associated with the installation and removing are paid by the Client.

Rent and premises – agreed rental fee includes preparation of premises equipped with the furniture, which is available at the hotel.

The rental price of conference rooms includes: Congress facilities (Screen, sound), internet, flipchart (paper and markers), notebooks and pencils.

Technical equipment and supervision – should the Client need for the event technical services to be provided by external companies, all the costs fur such services will be fully paid the Client. Each service or work performed by an external company or any changes in the Hotel´s property must be agreed with the General Director in a written form.

Events with increased energy consumption – such extra costs will be charged to the Client according to real consumption for purchase prices. Should the Hotel´s engineer be inevitably present at the event as a supervisor, his work will be charged as following: one person/ every single commenced hour.


The Client may withdraw from the Contract at any time, knowing that such step will be a subject to a cancellation fee.
The Hotel is entitled to terminate the contractual relationship any time, should the below given actions be actual:

  • event will interfere with the operation of the Hotel
  • should the reputation and safety of its guests be at risk
  • vis major or other extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances, which the Hotel is not responsible for and which make the fulfilment of the contract impossible. The Client is not entitled to claim for compensation in these cases .


  1. The Hotel is not responsible for injury of any kind which is a part of leisure programmes unless the Hotel acted grossly negligently or intentionally.
  2. Animals are allowed, the Hotel will add an additional charge fo each animal according to the current valid price list. Animals are not allowed in the premises where meal and beverages are served.
  3. Lost and found things belonging to the Client will be sent by mail service to the address of his residence or to the address of the company at the Hotel´s expenses.
  4. Customers´ stay in the hotel is also regulated by the Accommodation Rules of the Montfort**** hotel which is binding without exception for all the Hotel´s guests.
  5. The competent entity for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes with the Hotel as a seller is: a) Slovak Trade Inspection, which can be contacted for the stated purpose at the address of the SOI Central Inspectorate, Department of International Relations and ARS, Prievozská 32, postal folder 29, 827 99 Bratislava, or electronically at or adr@soi. sk, or b) another relevant authorized legal entity registered in the list of alternative dispute resolution entities maintained by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (the list of authorized entities is available at /list-of-subjects-of-alternative-resolution-of-consumer-disputes-1 ) while The client has the right to choose which of the listed alternative dispute resolution entities to turn to.
  6. Should individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions become ineffective or invalid, this shall not affect the effectiveness or validity of the remaining provisions.

MTF Hotel, s.r.o.



IČ DPH:SK2022237316, registrácia od 1.5.2018§4, od 10.9.2014 do 4.4.2016 podľa §4.

Sídlo:Tatranská Javorina 27 059 56 Tatranská Javorina


  • Principles of personal processing data

The company MTF Hotel, s.r.o. with registered office Tatranská Javorina no. 27, 059 56 Tatranská Javorina, IČO: 36661767, VAT number: 2022237316, VAT number: SK2022237316 (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”) in accordance with the regulation on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and on the movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as the “regulation”) and the law no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amendments and additions to certain laws (hereinafter referred to as “the law”) has prepared security measures at its disposal, which are regularly modified and updated. These define the scope and determination of security measures aimed at eliminating and minimizing risks that affect the information system with the intention of ensuring, above all, the accessibility, integrity and reliability of control systems, the protection of personal data against their loss, theft, damage, destruction, and against their possible modification. The goal is to preserve their confidentiality and to proactively detect and identify potential problems and possibly eliminate possible sources of violation of their protection.

If necessary, you can contact the responsible person:

  • Privacy policy data

The personal data provided by you will be handled in accordance with the data storage standard securely and only during the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the data was obtained. Only persons authorized by the operator to process personal data have access to the data and access them in accordance with the operator’s instructions. Your personal data will be backed up and stored in accordance with the specified rules of the operator. Personal data is stored securely on backup media, which is primarily intended to prevent potential security risks that could arise, especially from a violation of the integrity of the processed data.

  • Defining terms

  1. Operator – is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other entity that alone or together with others determines the purposes and means of personal data processing; in the event that the purposes and means of this processing are determined in the law of the Union or in the law of a Member State, the operator or specific criteria for its determination may be determined in the law of the Union or in the law of a Member State.

  2. Intermediary – is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other entity that processes personal data on behalf of the operator.

  3. Third party – is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or entity other than the affected person, operator, intermediary and persons who, on the basis of the direct authorization of the operator or intermediary, are entrusted with the processing of personal data.

  4. Personal data – is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as the “data subject”); an identifiable natural person is a person who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as name, identification number, location data, online identifier, or by reference to one or more elements that are specific to the physical, physiological, genetic , mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

  5. Processing of personal data – is an operation or a set of operations with personal data or sets of personal data, for example, obtaining, recording, organizing, storing, processing or changing, searching, viewing, using, providing by transmission, dissemination or providing in another way, rearranging or combining, limiting , erasure or disposal, whether by automated or non-automated means.

  6. Limitation of processing of personal data – is the designation of stored personal data with the aim of limiting their processing in the future.

  7. Breach of personal data protection – is a breach of security that leads to accidental or illegal destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized provision of personal data that is transmitted, stored or otherwise processed, or unauthorized access to it.

  8. Profiling – is any form of automated processing of personal data, which consists of the use of this personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects related to a natural person, primarily analyzing or predicting aspects of the concerned natural person related to performance at work, property relationships, health, personal preferences, interests , reliability, behavior, position or movement.

  9. Relevant and justified objection – is an objection to the draft decision, whether there has been a violation of this regulation, or whether the planned measure in relation to the operator or intermediary is in accordance with this regulation, which must clearly demonstrate the seriousness of the risks posed by the draft decision in terms of fundamental rights and freedoms of the persons concerned and, where appropriate, the free movement of personal data within the Union.

  10. Information system – is any organized set of personal data that is accessible according to specified criteria, regardless of whether the system is centralized, decentralized or distributed on a functional or geographical basis.

  11. Consent of the person concerned – is any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous expression of the will of the person concerned, by which he expresses his consent to the processing of personal data concerning him in the form of a statement or a clear affirmative action.

  • Defining terms

  1. Fulfillment of a contract to which the data subject is a party, or to take measures prior to concluding the contract based on the data subject’s request.

The personal data we process about our customers is processed on the basis of a contract in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1 letter b) and Art. 6 par. 1 letter c) regulations pursuant to Act no. 404/2011 Coll. on the movement of foreigners and the amendment of some laws. Scope of processed personal data: title, first name, last name, address, country, date and place of birth, payment card number and its expiration date, identity document number, telephone, e-mail, purpose of stay. Subsequently, they are stored in accordance with Act No. 395/2002 Coll. about archives and registries.

  • Reservation of accommodation

in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1 letter b) of the regulation. Scope of processed personal data: title, first name, last name, telephone, e-mail, date and time of reservation, IP address. Subsequently, they are stored for a period of 10 years in accordance with Act No. 395/2002 Coll. about archives and registries.

  • Reservation of services

Osobné údaje, ktoré spracúvame o svojich zákazníkoch, spracúvame na základe zmluvy
in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1 letter b) of the regulation. Scope of processed personal data: title, first name, last name, telephone, e-mail, date and time of reservation. They are then stored for 1 year.

  • Service order (online reservation system) → purchase contract

The personal data we process about our customers is processed on the basis of a contract in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1 letter b) of the regulation. Scope of processed personal data: title, first name, last name, address, country, telephone, e-mail. They are then stored for 10 years.

  • Processing of accounting documents

Processing is necessary to fulfill the legal obligation of the operator in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1 letter c) regulations. Scope of processed personal data: title, first name, last name, address, telephone, account number, e-mail and signature. Subsequently, they are stored in accordance with Act No. 395/2002 Coll. about archives and registries.

  • Complaints

In the case of complaints, personal data is processed in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1 letter c) regulations. Scope of processed personal data: title, first name, last name, address, telephone, e-mail. Subsequently, they are stored in accordance with Act No. 395/2002 Coll. about archives and registries.

  • Debt collection

In the case of debt collection, personal data is processed in accordance with Article 6 para. 1 letter c) regulations. Scope of processed personal data: name, surname, social security number, address, telephone, e-mail. Subsequently, they are stored in accordance with Act No. 395/2002 Coll. about archives and registries.

  • Executions

The processing of personal data is necessary to fulfill the legal obligation of the operator in accordance with Article 6 par. 1 letter c) regulations. Scope of processed personal data: ordinary personal data, other personal data found or provided in the course of the procedure. Subsequently, they are stored in accordance with Act No. 395/2002 Coll. about archives and registries.

  • Record of job applicants

The processing of personal data of job applicants is carried out on the basis of “Consent” to the processing of personal data in accordance with Art. 6 paragraph 1 letter a) of the regulation, which will be provided by the applicant. The operator will contact only successful applicants. Personal data is processed for a period of 3 years from the granting of consent. Personal data is not transferred to a third country. Personal data will not be used for automated individual decision – making, including profiling. You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data at any time before the expiration of the stated period by sending a request to the email address: or by sending a request to the address of the Operator with the text “GDPR withdrawal of consent” on the envelope. The operator declares that in the event of a written request by the affected person to terminate the processing of personal data before the specified deadline, these will be deleted within 30 days of receipt of the withdrawal of consent.

  1. Monitoring of premises for the purpose of property protection

In our operation, a camera information system is installed, which monitors the operator’s external and internal premises for the purpose of protecting property in accordance with the legitimate interest of the operator in accordance with Article 6 para. 1 letter f) regulations. Recordings from the camera system are not provided to third parties. They are made available only to authorized persons of the operator and IT specialists who perform maintenance on them. Personal data obtained by the camera system is used to protect property and to provide evidence in administrative proceedings in cases where personal data obtained by the camera system is used as evidence in ongoing administrative proceedings. If the created record is not used for the purposes of criminal proceedings or misdemeanor proceedings, the record is automatically deleted by program activity within 7 days from the day following the day on which the record was made.

  1. Records of representatives of suppliers and customers

The processing of personal data of suppliers and customers is carried out in accordance with the legitimate interests of the operator, in accordance with Article 6 para. 1 letter f) regulations. Scope of processed personal data: title, first name, last name, job classification, service classification, functional classification, employee personal number, professional department, place of work, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address to the workplace and identification data of the employer. Subsequently, they are stored for a period of 10 years after the end of the contract or business relationship.

  • Rights of the data subject

  1. Right to withdraw consent

In cases where we process your personal data based on your consent, you have the right to revoke this consent at any time. You can withdraw your consent electronically, at the address of an authorized person, in writing, with a notice of withdrawal of consent or in person at our company headquarters. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing of personal data that we processed about you on the basis of it.

  • Right of access

You have the right to receive a copy of the personal data we hold about you , as well as information about how we use your personal data. In most cases, your personal data will be provided to you in written document form, unless you request another way of providing them. If you have requested the provision of this information by electronic means, it will be provided to you electronically if it is technically possible.

  • Right to rectification

We take reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information we have about you. If you believe that the data we hold is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, please do not hesitate to ask us to correct, update or supplement this information.

  • Right to erasure (to be forgotten)

You have the right to ask us to delete your personal data, for example, if the personal data we have obtained about you is no longer necessary to fulfill the original purpose of processing. However, your right must be assessed in light of all the relevant circumstances. For example, we may have certain legal and regulatory obligations which mean that we will not be able to comply with your request.

  • Right to restriction of processing

In certain circumstances, you are entitled to ask us to stop using your personal data. These are, for example, cases when you think that the personal data we have about you may be inaccurate or when you think that we no longer need to use your personal data.

  • Right to data portability

In certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to transfer the personal data you have provided to us to another third party of your choice. However, the right to portability only applies to personal data that we have obtained from you on the basis of consent or on the basis of a contract to which you are a party.

  • The right to object

You have the right to object to data processing based on our legitimate legitimate interests. In the event that we do not have a compelling legitimate reason for processing and you file an objection, we will not process your personal data further.

  • Právo na prenosnosť údajov

Za určitých okolností máte právo nás požiadať o prenos osobných údajov, ktoré ste nám poskytli, na inú tretiu stranu podľa vášho výberu. Právo na prenosnosť sa však týka len osobných údajov, ktoré sme od Vás získali na základe súhlasu alebo na základe zmluvy, ktorej ste jednou zo zmluvných strán.

If any personal data we have about you is incorrect or incomplete, please contact us.

If you want to file an objection to the way we process your personal data, contact our responsible person by e-mail at the address: or in writing at the address:

MTF Hotel, sro, Tatranská Javorina no. 27, 059 56 Tatranská Javorina The authorized person will review your objection and contact you to resolve the matter.

If you have the impression that your personal data is being processed unfairly or illegally, you can file a complaint with the supervisory authority, which is the Personal Data Protection Office of the Slovak Republic, Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27; tel. number: +421/2/3231 3214; e-mail:,

Updated on 06/30/2022